1.you can change chatting background..!
you can impress him/her by changing background wallpaper by downloading aap "whatsapp wallpaper" from play store. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.whatsapp.wallpaper
2.you can save profile picture of your friend
Even though it’s partially true that WhatsApp does not allow you to download/save the profile pics of your contacts for privacy reasons, but it doesn’t mean that it’s impossible to sniff the profile pics of your friends. The fact is that whenever you open a profile pic, it automatically saved to the directory /sdcard/WhatsApp/Profile Pictures in your smartphone. picture's name will be person's cellnumber saved in ur phone so you can easily copy/save it.
3. Create shortcuts of someone special
If you're a WhatsApp addicted and chating with only some special friends from the added list then you probably get fed up with launching the app every time you want to speak to them. In the Android version of the app you can create shortcuts to conversations that appear on your home screen, so you don't even need to open the application to pick up on conversations. to do this- just tap the icon with the name of the contact and hold, a popup menu will be appear. select "Add Conversation Shortcut"

and the contact will be on your home screen!
4. Use the Enter key to send WhatsApp messages
How often do you write multiple lines of text in a single WhatsApp chat message? Surely not very much. As such, the Enter key on your phone is not really of much use. However, there is an option in WhatsApp that lets you use the Enter key on the Android virtual keyboard to send messages instead of having to press the Send button in WhatsApp.

To enable the option, go to 'Chat preferences' within the Settings menu and check the 'Enter is send' box. This option is not available in the iOS version of WhatsApp.
5. Broadcast a WhatsApp message to many contacts
If you need to send a msg to so many people at once, the easiest way to do this is to 'broadcast' a message in WhatsApp.

Just select the 'New Broadcast' from options and select the contacts you want to send it to. Now type your message and hit 'Send'.